The dream of owning a home is out of reach for 4 million Americans 哈佛大学日前发布的年度国家住房报告称,房价和房租的暴涨再加上利率的上调让数百万美国人的住房梦更加遥不可及,按揭利率的上升也让贷款买房者面临失去房屋所有权的威胁。 Photo/Pexels The record run-up in home prices and rents exacerbated the affordable housing crisis in the US, and rising interest rates stand to make it even worse, according to Harvard University's annual State of the Nation's Housing Report released Wednesday. 哈佛大学6月22日发布的年度国家住房报告称,房价和房租的创纪录暴涨加剧了美国的住房可负担性危机,与此同时利率的上调将让这一局面雪上加霜。 Although quickly rising mortgage …