北京时间4月15日,《权力的游戏》最终季就开播了。追了这么久,我们总算要看到结局了。 这一季里哪些角色会领便当?谁将成为最后的赢家?雪诺?龙母?小恶魔?还是夜王?内幕网站在社交媒体上征集了一下粉丝们的看法。等待首集熟肉的时候,不如先预热一下吧。 "Game of Thrones" is winding down with its eighth and final season, which means the power struggle the HBO series is named for may soon have a declared winner. 争;竞争 weigh in on: 参与(讨论等);对…发表意见 People would see two characters randomly selected from a group of 20, and asked to select the one that they thought would be the …