《关于为盲人、视力障碍者或其他印刷品阅读障碍者获得已出版作品提供便利的马拉喀什条约》5月5日对我国生效。作为目前国际上唯一一部版权领域的人权条约,该条约旨在为阅读障碍者提供获得和利用作品的机会,从而保障其平等获取文化和教育的权利。 China on May 5 handed the ratification paper of the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled to the World Intellectual Property Organization. As the only international human rights treaty in the field of copyright, the treaty aims to provide persons with print disabilities with the opportunity …