Climate change: Islands at risk 气候变化:英国尤伊斯特群岛处境堪忧 本集内容 Climate change: Islands at risk 气候变化:英国尤伊斯特群岛处境堪忧 学习要点 有关 “climate change(气候变化)” 的词汇 边看边答 What kind of weather are these islands exposed to? 洛娜·戈登 BBC驻苏格兰通讯员 “这个低洼多水的环境很容易受到气候变化的影响。据预测,未来几十年内,这里的海平面可能会上升半米之多。” At the islands’ arts centre, a visual reminder of what the long-term effects could be. “请阻止海平面上升。我们可能很快就会被海水淹没。” These small islands, hoping for big commitments from world leaders to mitigate the …