随身英语 Why camping can be so much fun 露营度假乐趣多 Play audio file 你喜欢哪种度假方式?你是越来越多的露营爱好者中的一员吗?听了本期 “随身英语” 节目,你也许会对夜空下的假日感到心动。从 “wild camping(野外露营)” 到 “glamping(豪华露营)”,有多种方式可以让你体会回归自然的乐趣。 词汇:camping 露营 When you go on holiday, where do you like to stay? One camping retailer, Halfords, reported a surge in demand for products such as stoves, cool boxes and camping chairs. 词汇表 five-star 五星级的 self-catering 自理膳食的 under canvas (睡)在帐篷里 camping …