It was PowerPlay by Shahrukh Khan as Tamil Nadu conquered a peak. The onslaught was in one word ‘Brutal.’ Tamil Nadu whipped up an incredible 419 runs on day three with the belligerent Shahrukh leading the charge with booming blows at the ACA Stadium as the side pulled off a heist and grabbed the lead in this Ranji duel. Shahrukh’s …
Abhinav Mukund and N. Jagadeesan guided Tamil Nadu to a respectable 250 for seven against Saurashtra on the opening day of their Group B Ranji Trophy clash at the SCA grounds here on Wednesday. That prompted the Tamil Nadu openers, Abhinav and L. Suryapprakash, to begin cautiously in the opening session. READ: Vinay six-for gives Punjab edge over Bengal Paying …