India's new batting sensation Sarfaraz Khan has welcomed a baby boy into his family. He announced the news on Instagram, sharing pictures of him with his wife and father. Sarfaraz scored his maiden Test century just days after the announcement, and he has continued his impressive form in the ongoing Test series against New Zealand.
India's new batting sensation Sarfaraz Khan has welcomed a baby boy into his family. He announced the news on Instagram, sharing pictures of him with his wife and father. Sarfaraz scored his maiden Test century recently and has continued his impressive form with a half-century in his recent Test series against New Zealand.
Over 16 lakh medical aspirants who had registered for the medical entrance exam – National Eligibility cum Entrance Test 2021 – are awaiting their results. Every year, the top medical colleges release their opening and closing rank for NEET-UG admission to various medical programmes. Here are the last five years closing rank for top government colleges, implying the largest rank …