Union minister of state for social justice and empowerment, Ramdas Athawale on Thursday said the Centre could restore Jammu and Kashmir’s statehood before October, while assembly elections may be held later the same month. Union minister of state for social justice and empowerment Ramdas Athawale meets Jammu and Kashmir L-G Manoj Sinha, at Raj Bhawan in Srinagar Athawale, who is …
VIJAYAWADA: The YSR Congress has sped up arrangements for the ‘Jayaho BC Maha Sabha’ public meeting at the IGMC Stadium here on December 7, under which BC ministers invited 84,000 people’s representatives from these communities for the meeting. They released the BC Maha Sabha poster with the slogan, ‘Jayaho BC Maha Sabha -- Backward castes are the backbone to the …