It’s been raining updates from Suriya 45, Tamil superstar Suriya’s upcoming film with actor-director RJ Balaji. The film’s production banner, Dream Warrior Pictures, shared the news on their social media handles. Suriya 45 marks his third film in Tamil after 2005’s Aadum Koothu and 2012’s Nanban. Swasika, an actor with over 40 credits in Tamil and Malayalam, has become the …
In the first verse of Kandar Anubhuti, Arunagirinatha begins with the word ‘aadum’. The word ‘aadum’ contains ‘a,’ ‘u’ and ‘m.’ Aadum pari are the first two words in the verse. If he had used the word mayil, then along with the adjective ‘aadum’, it would have been read as ‘aadumayil’. Thus the separate word aadum, with its emphasis on …