All four women candidates fielded by the BJP in the Arunachal Pradesh assembly elections have registered victories. Former chief minister Kalikho Pul's widow Dasanglu Pul won the Hayuliang seat in Anjaw district unopposed. Nyabi Jini Dirchi, a greenhorn, has this time defeated sitting MLA Gokar Basar in Basar constituency by a margin of 1,791 votes. In 2019, three women had …
The National People's Party will field 30 candidates for the upcoming Assembly elections in Arunachal Pradesh, party’s State unit president Thangwang Wangham said in Itanagar, on March 1. Mr. Wangham, who was a three-time MLA from Longding-Pumao constituency but lost the electoral battle in 2019, said his party would work to make society free from drug abuse. Mutchu Mithi from …
The National Socialist Council of Nagalim issued a condolence message on Sunday over the death of six cadres of the insurgent group killed by security forces in Longding district of Arunachal Pradesh on July 11. Stating that their members were “brutally gunned down by Assam Rifles in total contravention to the existing Ceasefire agreement between the Government of India and …
Guwahati, May 21 At least 11 persons, including Arunachal Pradesh legislator Tirong Aboh, were killed in an ambush by suspected Naga militants in Tirap district of Arunachal Pradesh on Tuesday, police said. Police said that Aboh and his family members were travelling from Dibrugarh in Assam to Khonsa, when their vehicle was ambushed by suspected NSCN militants at Bogapani in …
In a shocking incident, sitting National People’s Party MLA from the Khonsa West Assembly constituency in Arunachal Pradesh, Tirong Aboh, and ten others were killed in a terror attack on Tuesday. According to preliminary reports, suspected NSCN militants could be behind the terror attack, which took place at Bogapani village of Tirap district in Arunachal Pradesh. I’m shocked and saddened …