A heart-wrenching tale emerged from the Jaipur-Ajmer highway on Friday, where an LPG tanker collided with a truck, triggering a massive explosion. Among them was 32-year-old motor mechanic Radheshyam Choudhary, who walked nearly 600 metres engulfed in flames, seeking help while bystanders filmed the scene instead of aiding him. Disturbing videos circulated online showing a man engulfed in flames, struggling …
A motor mechanic reportedly walked 600 metres while being engulfed in flames while seeking help after a gas tanker explosion on the Jaipur-Ajmer highway on Friday. A stranger called Radheshyam Chaudhary’s brother Akheram at around 5:50am that morning, asking him to come to Heerapura bus terminal as his brother was in trouble. A dash to the hospital The brother and …