After the underwhelming Devadas, Nagarjuna is back with director Rahul Ravindran's Manmadhudu 2, which is a sequel to his 2002 hit film of the same name. The makers of Manmadhudu 2 dropped the teaser of the film, which looks like a fun outing. The one-minute long teaser introduces us to Nagarjuna, who is being forced to get married because he's …
Nagarjuna is presently busy with the shooting of his ongoing film, Manmadhudu 2, a sequel to the film of the same name. Now, there is a new addition to the film as the makers of Manmadhudu 2 team has roped in Keerthy Suresh for a role. An overwhelmed Keerthy Suresh took to Twitter to thank the team of Manmadhudu 2. …