The Kerala High Court on Friday allowed the discharge application moved by former minister M.M Mani and two others where they sought to quash the proceedings pending against them in the scandalous Ancheri Baby murder case of 1982. Justice Sunil Thomas acquitted the trio setting aside the decision of the trial court dismissing their plea to drop the charges against …
There were thousands to cheer Gokulam Kerala on as it took a victory parade around the city on Wednesday. But for the coronavirus, Gokulam would have been able to play many of its matches at its home ground, the Corporation Stadium, which witnessed some of the biggest crowds for the I-Leaugue in the last couple of seasons. Besides the entire …
By Jagannath Chatterjee New Delhi, Sep 24 The draw against Asian champions Qatar in the World Cup qualifier saw pundits and football fans across the country hailing the Blue Tigers. While the top-class show against the highest ranked Asian outfit came as a pleasant surprise, the question that followed was whether the Indian team can consistently replicate such a performance …