Hyderabad: A woman accused of murdering her brother in a dispute over family property in Bodampahad, Shabad mandal, was sentenced to life imprisonment and fined Rs.5,000 by the X ADJ Court, Rangareddy, at LB Nagar. The incident occurred on March 22, 2014 when Arunamma, 36, visited her brother Balraj's home to demand her share of their father's agricultural land. An …
NELLORE: Andhra Pradesh Governor Biswabhusan Harichandan has advised students to maintain good character all through their lives. Addressing a large gathering of students at the 6th and 7th Convocation of Vikrama Simhapuri University on Tuesday, the Governor said: “The degree you receive today gives you confidence to aim high and achieve something more worthwhile. You are the torch-bearers and role …
Big social gatherings were back with a bang as Sri Subakruthnama Samvatsaram, the Telugu New Year, was celebrated with fanfare acrosss south coastal Andhra Pradesh on Saturday. In Nellore, all the arterial road junctions, including the RTC Bus Stand Centre, VRC centre, Gandhi Bomma centre, were flooded with people who made big purchases for the celebrations for the spring festival, …
Nellore: Anam Arunamma, the YSR Congress nominee for the Nellore Zilla Parishad chairperson post, would be the first woman from the politically popular family to enter public life. In fact, the family members were surprised when the chief minister proposed her name at a time when they were, rather, expecting some post for the husband, Vijayakumar Reddy. No one from …