Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy announced two significant welfare initiatives on Saturday aimed at improving farmers' financial conditions and addressing the issue of food security. The schemes, Rythu Bharosa and Indiramma Atmiya Bharosa, will be launched on January 26, marking the 75th anniversary of India's Constitution. Under the Rythu Bharosa scheme, farmers will receive Rs 12,000 per acre annually, …
Three-day National Summit of Institutional Leaders at the Lucknow University concluded with several institutions signing memorandums of understanding on institutional collaborations to strengthen academic linkages. The collaboration between the LU’s Department of Chemistry and Life Activist Private Limited is designed to promote industry-academic programmes, facilitate the exchange of faculty, and provide opportunities for internships. The collaboration between Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar …
HYDERABAD: Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao on Saturday announced that the government would enhance reservations to 10 per cent for Scheduled Tribes in education and employment from next week, from six per cent at present. For this reason, I have decided to issue a GO next week implementing the 10 per cent quota for STs, Rao said at a mammoth …
Known for his efforts towards abolishing sati and child marriage, the 'Father of the Indian Renaissance', Ram Mohan Roy, who was born on May 22, 1772, was bestowed with the title of Raja by Akbar II, the Mughal emperor. Ram Mohan Roy formed an association called Atmiya Sabha to translate Upanishads and discuss it. Raja Ram Mohan Roy started India’s …