The Souhardya Karnataka Vedike-Kalaburagi will organise a three-day conference, Bahutva Samskriti Bharatotsava-2025, from Friday to discuss issues related to distressed farmers and unemployment problems in Kalyana Karnataka region. Vedike members Meenakshi Bali and R.K. Hudgi, addressing a press conference in Kalaburagi on Wednesday, said that the conference will discuss the prevailing atmosphere in society. Ms. Bali said that communal forces …
A report titled ‘Nari Shakti: Myth and Reality’ brought out by Bahutva Karnataka, in collaboration with Naveddu Nilladiddare Karnataka, has examined how women in India have fared over the past decade during the Narendra Modi-led NDA regime. Focussing on violence against women, women’s rights, dignity and agency, economic empowerment, social empowerment, and political representation, the report noted with concern that …
The Congress looks better placed than the BJP and the JD in the last leg of the campaign, as corruption, caste, and development take centre stage. Santhosh and Joshi are seen merely as Brahmin leaders and do not have the ability to retain the support base of the BJP among dominant communities in the State.” Yediyurappa was himself involved in …
Continuing its series of ‘report cards’ on the performance of the Karnataka government on various parameters, Bahutva Karnataka, on April 19, released its assessment on ‘federalism’ and deemed it ‘failed.’ The forum alleged that the government has abdicated its constitutional duty to protect the people of Karnataka from the dangers of centralisation. The State government has increasingly been run by …