The Gujarat High Court today suspended the Life-imprisonment sentence of Ex-BJP MP Dinu Bogha Solanki who was convicted by a special CBI court in 2019 for killing RTI activist Amit Jethwa in 2010 after the activist had tried to expose illegal mining activities in the Gir forest region.Suspending his sentence and granting him conditional bail, the Bench of Justice Paresh …
Anan dvardhan Yagnik is an advocate at the High Court of Gujarat with a strong reputation for standing up for human rights. The last PIL petition filed by Mr Amit Jethava was on the subject of rampant and large-scale illegal mining within the prohibited five km periphery of Gir forest by Mr Dinu Bogha Solanki. The power acquired by Mr …
Former BJP MP Dinu Bogha Solanki and six others were Saturday convicted by a special CBI court here for killing RTI activist Amit Jethwa in 2010 after he tried to expose illegal mining activities in Gir forest region. Special CBI Judge K M Dave will pronounce the quantum of sentence on July 11 in the case whose probe was handed …