Westend61 via Getty Images Could some gentle parenting techniques change your marriage for the better? “At its core, gentle parenting is all about empathy, patience and respectful communication ― qualities that can transform how we relate to anyone, especially our partner.” - Jennifer Chappell Marsh, a couples therapist in San Diego, California “No one in my practice is explicitly saying, …
LOADING ERROR LOADING Psychologists have been studying attachment styles for decades, but in recent years, the concept has generated quite a bit of buzz on social media. “For instance, you can be in a securely attached relationship with one person, but in a different romantic relationship or friendship or familial relationship, you might embody one of the other styles.” Below …
WASHINGTON — A military panel at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, recommended 23 years in detention Friday for two Malaysian men in connection with deadly 2002 bombings in Bali, a spokesman for the military commission said. The two are among a total of 780 detainees brought to military detention at Guantanamo under the George W. Bush administration’s “war on terror” following the …
Three men held at the Guantanamo Bay detention center were formally charged Tuesday in connection with the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings and other plots in Southeast Asia after 18 years in U.S. custody, with defense lawyers insisting afterward that the long-delayed arraignment was so flawed it may have to be repeated. The start of their long-delayed case comes as other …
Una organización sin fines de lucro se propone ayudar a resolver los homicidios que las agencias de la ley no han podido, esto a través de vallas publicitarias que exponen las caras de las víctimas al público. Justice for Homocide Victims pide a través de su página https://justiceforhomicidevictims.org/unsolved-homicides-project-2 que los interesados sometan la fotografía de la víctima, su información, lugar …