Former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal and Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Monday slammed the BJP-JD government in Bihar over the police's lathi-charge on students protesting against a BSPC exam. Bihar police books Prashant Kishor The Bihar Police has registered an FIR against 600-700 individuals, including Jan Suraaj chief Prashant Kishore, for unauthorized gatherings, instigating people and creating law …
BPSC Protest In Patna A protest by Bihar Public Service Commission aspirants turned chaotic on Sunday at Gandhi Maidan, Patna, as police lathi-charged protestors led by Jan Suraaj chief Prashant Kishor as they planned to hold a march despite the district administration’s denial of permission. An FIR was registered in Gandhi Maidan police station against 600-700 people including Prashant Kishor …