A bird’s eye view of MA Chidambaram Stadium, which shimmers as a sea of yellow during the IPL cricket matches, is surprisingly veiled in white. Srikanth K, who runs Chennai Rains on Twitter, recalls sharing a popular Vadivelu meme that has the comedian say, “Indha bordera thandi neeyum vara koodathu naanum vara maaten”, when he had to explain the incoming …
As winters have started knocking on the doors, recently Chennai witnessed a dip in the temperature and Twitteratis have already started the hilarious memefest session. the IMD also stated that the isolated places in Villupuram, Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram, Chennai, Thiruvalluvar, Ranipet districts of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry were most likely to receive rainfall on November 21. The temperature dropped to as …