ETERNAL LIFE, in heaven or through reincarnation on Earth, is promised by many faiths. Another influence is Nikolai Fedorov, a 19th-century Russian philosopher who thought all living beings could, one day, be resurrected using traces of them floating around in the cosmos—a vision that brings to mind modern DNA cloning. As an investor tells Mr Ward, the goal is extending …
Can you make wealth immortal? To keep the bodies intact until future medical advancements can revive them, vitrification is applied, which involves replacing the body’s blood with a special solution to prevent ice crystal formation, which can damage cells and tissues. However, cryonics supporters believe that future breakthroughs in nanotechnology and regenerative medicine could make revival possible. The Department of …
Southern Cryonics, an Australian company successfully froze its first client, a Sydney man in his 80s who died earlier this month. Cryonics is the practice of deep-freezing corpses of those who have died of an incurable disease until a future medical technology restores them to full health The man, known as Patient One was cryogenically preserved at -196°C at the …
Can deep frozen humans be brought back to life? Paris Hilton reportedly intends to resurrect herself and her pets, towards which end she is believed to have bought stocks in the Cryonics Institute in Michigan; rapper Kanye West wishes to have his brain and body frozen so that he can be resurrected in the future to ensure that his “creative …