Laura Csortan raised eyebrows on Tuesday after sharing an old photo of herself posing with Donald Trump in the aftermath of his guilty verdict. The photo, which was taken in 1997, features the Miss Universe Australia winner smiling alongside the former US president at the pageant in Miami. Laura Csortan raised eyebrows on Tuesday after sharing an old photo of …
Former beauty queen-turned-TV presenter Laura Csortan is renowned for flaunting her sensational physique on social media. And on Wednesday, the 42-year-old shared yet another enviable snap of herself in a skimpy red bikini at Bondi Icebergs Club - only this time the picture had a seemingly unnatural feel to it. Laura Csortan shared yet another enviable snap of herself in …
She is doting mother-of-one who has not been shy of flaunting her incredible physique in racy swimwear this summer season. Mother-of-one Laura Csortan, 42, flaunted her sensational physique and toned torso in a racy gold bikini while at the beach on Tuesday She dressed for her day at the beach in a gold patent bikini by Jets Swimwear that showcased …