Actor Suniel Shetty has said that his daughter, actor Athiya Shetty, was left scarred by a controversy that clouded the release of her film Motichoor Chaknachoor, co-starring Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Suniel said that the experience shook Athiya’s confidence, and now she thinks more carefully before signing projects. She is very clear about what she does not want to do.” He added, …
Motichoor Chaknachoor director Debamitra Biswal has stepped away from the film, saying that it does not showcase the vision she originally had owing to “silly ego fights.” In a lengthy note on Facebook, Biswal thanked the technical crew that had worked with her on the film, starring Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Athiya Shetty, reports Pinkvilla. Though Biswal never directly addressed the …
Motichoor Chaknachoor Director: Debamitra Biswal Cast: Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Athiya Shetty Motichoor Chaknachoor stars Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Athiya Shetty in lead roles. In Motichoor Chaknachoor, Athiya Shetty’s Anita Tripathi aka Ani has but one dream – to leave India for foreign shores and update her Facebook account with photos taken against the Statue of Liberty, or the London Eye or even …