Following the complaint lodged on 28 December, police arrested four suspects, including the prime accused, former BJP office-bearer Manish Vaghasia, along with a young woman. Amreli District Congress President and former MLA Pratap Dudhat has accused BJP leaders of targeting a young, unmarried Patidar woman, who worked as an operator and allegedly typed the letter under her employer’s instructions without …
Independent MLA Jignesh Mevani and 14 legislators of the opposition Congress were suspended for a day from the Gujarat Assembly for unruly behaviour and were forcibly evicted by marshals amid chaotic scenes. As soon as the proceedings of the two-day Legislative Assembly session began, Leader of Opposition Sukhram Rathva demanded a special half-hour discussion on the issues concerning agitating government …
Some staffers of the agency allegedly did not deposit Rs 5,24,77,375 into the bank accounts of the Statue of Unity authorities, Deputy Superintendent of Police Vani Dudhat said Ahmedabad: Police have registered a case against some employees of a cash collection agency for allegedly siphoning off Rs 5.24 crore generated from the sale of tickets of the Statue of Unity …