In late 2023, Alexandra, a 66-year-old retired woman in D.C., was defrosting a piece of human feces that she purchased over the internet. “It’s the endgame.” Harrop started HumanMicrobes in 2020 in order to match fecal “super-donors” with buyers willing to spend a premium price to ingest it. Furthermore, if a donor scores high enough on Harrop’s private scoring system, …
Poo transplants are offered to patients suffering debilitating gut conditions. Faecal microbiota transplants, also called a stool or poo transplant, involves collecting faeces from a healthy person, which is then treated in a lab before being transferred to patients. One TikTok with 1.3million views posted by @Scottscotto, shows prepared syringes for his husband's faecal microbiota transplants. Another posted by @MichaelHurstFMT4UC …
Faecal transplants are now being opted to cure inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis. In some diseases like inflammatory bowel disease it is thought that the microbiota of the gut gets disordered and can be restored by administering microbes from a healthy volunteer so that the healthy organisms overrun the organisms causing the disease. Similar to IBD, Alzheimer’s disease is …