Several twitter users in Gilgit-Baltistan complained that when they turn on the location feature on the app, the tweets show to have originated from Kashmir Twitter reportedly blocked Pakistan’s official Twitter account in Gilgit-Baltistan and showed the location of the region in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. — Yasir July 6, 2023 When users tried to access …
Twitter reportedly have blocked access to the government of Pakistan’s official account in Gilgit-Baltistan and changed the region’s location to parts of India, Dawn reported. “I am in #GilgitBaltistan & @Twitter can’t show tweets from @GovtofPakistan, saying that account has been withheld in India in response to a legal demand! He further noted officials in Pakistan should take “serious cognisance” …
The India Meteorological Department has predicted light rainfall or snowfall for some states including Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, and Uttarakhand in the coming days. It also stated that no active western disturbance likely to affect northwest India during the last week of February. The weather forecasting agency also said that a fresh western disturbance is likely to affect …
India Meteorological Department on Wednesday predicted that several states, including Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal are likely to witness rainfall today and also tomorrow. 27°N and an induced cyclonic circulation lies over northeast Rajasthan & neighbourhood in lower tropospheric levels; it is very likely to cause scattered rainfall and snowfall, the weather agency said in its daily forecast. Check the full …