Punjab’s Congress minister Navjot Singh Sidhu splashed into hot water when he was caught on camera in a full-on hug with Pakistan army chief General Qamer Javed Bajwa. As politicians and the public clambered into the act and decided to rake him over the coals for his insensitivity to the Indian armed forces in doing so, Sidhu put a positive …
Optics are important in an age of 24/7 TV and social media. To begin with, the Congress appropriated the no-confidence motion moved by the TDP to launch yet another Rahul Gandhi’s ‘coming of age’ performance. In doing so, Rahul Gandhi declared himself as the ‘default prime ministerial candidate’ against Narendra Modi for 2019. Thus, it turned out to be a …
Expressing displeasure over Congress president Rahul Gandhi’s surprise gestures of first hugging Prime Minister Narendra Modi and then winking at his party MPs after finishing his speech during the debate on the no-confidence motion, Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan on Friday said that it diminished the decorum of the House. Sumitra Mahajan made the observation soon after the Lok Sabha …
The lawmakers witnessed some fun moments during the debate in Lok Sabha on the no-confidence motion against the Narendra Modi government. Congress President Rahul Gandhi interacts with Prime Minister Narendra Modi after his speech in the Lok Sabha on 'no-confidence motion' during the Monsoon Session of Parliament, in New Delhi on Friday. Gandhi’s ‘hugplomacy’ prompted Akali leader and BJP ally …