Los Angeles is engulfed in flames as a series of devastating wildfires wreak havoc across Southern California, driven by the phenomenon known as "hydroclimate whiplash." However, the subsequent summer of 2024 brought record heat and an unusually dry start to the 2025 rainy season, creating a landscape filled with highly flammable vegetation. As of January 10, 2025, at least five …
The devastating wildfires that have ravaged Southern California erupted following a stark shift from wet weather to extremely dry weather — a phenomenon scientists describe as hydroclimate whiplash. “The evidence shows that hydroclimate whiplash has already increased due to global warming, and further warming will bring about even larger increases.” The extreme weather shift over the last two years in …
Climate change will bring megafloods to California Getty Images 94% of California's population are under flood alerts Climate change is making it a matter of time before a megaflood hits the state. These severe floods in California are a "broadly underappreciated risk", according to a 2022 paper, co-authored by Daniel Swain and Xingying Huang, scientists at the National Centre for …
In a new paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Environment, scientist Robert Walker has predicted that the unabated deforestation will devour the Amazon rainforests by 2064 and the green cover will be wiped off from its existence. As per the new paper, the catastrophe will be worse than imagined because of the dependence of the local community on the Amazon …