MUMBAI: A special PMLA court on Friday rejected the bail plea of Ramchand Issrani, a 64-year-old businessman from Gujarat, who was arrested in a money laundering case for allegedly cheating Union Bank of India. Bail refused for Kutch businessman who caused 150cr loss to bank In 2021, CBI had booked him for misappropriating funds and cheating Union Bank of India, …
MUMBAI: The Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday arrested Ramchand Issrani, a 64-year-old businessman from Kutch, Gujarat, for laundering money he allegedly obtained cheating Union Bank of India, Byculla Branch of ₹149.89 crore. The ED claimed that AHPTPL has failed to make any efforts to realise the export outstanding of M/s AHPTPL to the tune of US$653,341 due from firms namely M/s …