Television’s popular comedy chat show The Kapil Sharma Show is soon going to make a comeback with a new season. On Friday, actor Krushna Abhishek, who too is a part of The Kapil Sharma Show, shared a funny video on his Instagram page which featured Sudesh. While sharing the hilarious post, Krushna wrote that though an electric car has …
The police have registered an FIR against a Twitter user for `threatening to kill' Shiv Sena spokesperson Priyanka Chaturvedi and the party's local corporator Sheetal Mhatre. An official of MHB police station in suburban Borivali said the first information report was registered against the user who goes by the name "Ashish KR Dwivedi" under the Twitter handle @ASHISHKRDW2 on Wednesday. …
Priyanka Chaturvedi may have left the Congress in an angry state, but her spirits are high even as she joins Shiv Sena, an ally of BJP. "Gaana main gaati rahungi," said Priyanka Chaturvedi when she was reminded of the parody song she sang while criticising Union Minister Smriti Irani over her educational qualifications. Leading the charge was the then Congress …