After the tremendous success of Bigg Boss Tamil 6, the much-anticipated seventh season of the controversial reality show, hosted by the superstar Kamal Haasan, finally made its debut on Star Vijay tonight. Setting itself apart from previous seasons, Bigg Boss Tamil 7 promises a new twist with the introduction of two separate houses. Notably, one of the contestants in the …
Actor Vanitha Vijaykumar’s ex-partner, Peter Paul, died recently. Several media reports quoted Vanitha’s statement and wrote that she was mourning the loss of her ‘ex-husband’. With all due respects, I was never legally married to Peter Paul. This is a humble kind request.” Following his demise last week, she had shared a cryptic post which read: “My mom once taught …
Actor Vanitha Vijaykumar married her fiancé, filmmaker Peter Paul, on Saturday evening in a traditional Christian ceremony. Vanitha Vijaykumar and Peter Paul got married in Chennai on Saturday. Earlier, in a detailed statement, Vanitha said, “I truly believe everyone deserves a chance in love even after all the bitter experiences in my life deep inside I believed in the institution …