Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister and Bengaluru Development Minister DK Shivakumar has announced plans to rejuvenate the Vrushabhavathi River and transform the Basavanagudi area into a heritage corridor under the Brand Bengaluru initiative. Speaking at the inauguration of the “Kadlekai Parishe” in Basavanagudi, Shivakumar emphasized the government’s commitment to preserving Bengaluru’s cultural and historical legacy. Shivakumar also highlighted the importance of …
Bengaluru’s popular ‘Kadlekai Parishe,’ the ground fair has begun on a grand note in the city's Basavangudi area. Every year, the streets opposite the iconic Bull Temple in Basavanagudi come alive with the vibrant Kadlekai Parishe, Bengaluru's celebrated groundnut fair. Farmers from across Karnataka and even neighbouring states like Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh gather to sell their freshly harvested …
In 2012, I was picked to be a local guide for the Bengaluru special episode of the series Twist Of Taste, a food show hosted by chef Vineet Bhatia. Congress kadlekai is a spicy peanut snack made from roasted, skinned and split peanuts. To make the perfect bar snack, toss Bharuchi peanuts along with finely chopped onions, tomatoes, red chilli …