Bar Sinizki, from the teams behind Dune and Kaldi Coffee, specializes in Eastern European classics such as cheese-and-potato pierogi. “What was so sophisticated in his mind was the cafe and bar culture of places like Vienna and Prague, Berlin and Paris,” said Zwiezen’s partner, Anne O’Malley — the two also own the Dune restaurants in Atwater and downtown L.A., and …
很多现代人每天都要靠咖啡来“续命”,喝了咖啡才能神清气爽,正常开启一天的工作模式。那么是谁发明了这么神奇又美味的提神饮料呢? Photo/Pexels Each day, millions of people brew a cup of coffee in the morning to help get their day started. 据称,卡尔迪观察到他的山羊在吃了附近咖啡树上的红色浆果后行为异常。他自己尝了一些,很快也变得和他的羊群一样兴奋。然后他带了一些到修道院,那里的人们在长时间祈祷期间发现它们的提神效果,并为此感到担忧。他们认为咖啡一定是魔鬼的作品。 The religious leaders there threw the tree’s beans onto a fire to destroy them—but the pleasing aroma that resulted convinced them to give coffee a second chance. 当地的宗教领袖将这棵树的豆子扔到火上以销毁它们,但是烤咖啡豆散发出的令人愉悦的香气让他们决定再给咖啡一次机会。和泡茶一样,他们把烤过的咖啡豆放入热水中,咖啡饮料就这样诞生了。 Despite the legend, it’s thought that the practice of chewing …
Since 850 CE, when coffee might have first been consumed, the little fruit of the coffee plant has traversed all seven continents. "But I'm afraid we have absolutely no proof that Kaldi existed," says Dr Morris, the author of Coffee: A Global History. "Around that time, there was the beginning of a trade in coffee from … the Horn of …
Published : Jan 12, 2023 10:15 IST “I am Nabira,” she said, gesturing towards me to take a seat. Welcome.” One usually has to be invited to this highly personal Ethiopian tradition meaning “drink coffee”, but as somebody passing through, I had to make do with the only available option—a T20 take on a lengthy ceremony rife with symbolism. “Where …