Snekan Sivaselvam and Kannika Ravi got married in an intimate ceremony in Chennai, with celebs like Bharathiraja, Gnanasambandan, Pala, Karuppiah, Taj Noor and Ameer in attendance. Snekan Sivaselvam, the lyricist-turned-actor and former Bigg Boss Tamil contestant also known as Snehan, has married actress Kannika Ravi on 29 July, in Chennai. The wedding also had Bigg Boss Tamil host Kamal Haasan, …
Close circuit television cameras have emerged as key in cracking crime in general and murder cases in particular, a police inspector posted at a North-West Delhi police said while explaining how simple technological equipment help the police. Police could make the arrests establishing the identity of the accused because the murder was caught on CCTV camera. July 2020, Uttar Pradesh: …
A cultural procession comprising various art troupes and tableaux was taken out here on Tuesday to mark the Dasara festivities. Puttaraju, Melkote MLA, inaugurated the procession that was organised by ‘Mandya Youth Group’ by offering flowers to the idol of Sri Chamundeshwari near Gajendra Moksha Kola, near Kalikamba temple, in the town. Group president Anil Anand performed a puja to …
In Thailand's First Nationwide Vote Since Coup, The Generals Hold Most Of The Cards Enlarge this image toggle caption Lilllian Suwanrumpha/AFP/Getty Images Lilllian Suwanrumpha/AFP/Getty Images It's early Friday evening, at a small municipal stadium in Bangkok. "The rules are designed to produce a certain outcome for the military regime," Thitinan Pongsudhirak, a political scientist based at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University, says. …