As the controversial movie The Kerala Story has been released across theatres in those states which have not banned the movie, it’s director Sudipto Sen and producer Vipul Shah reiterated that the movie is not propaganda against Muslim community. Sudipto Sen, while addressing a press conference, said that two Keralas exist inside Kerala - one which is like a picture, …
Thiruvananthapuram: Bringing alive Keralas rich and diverse folk and ritualistic art traditions in 30 venues across the state, the 7-day annual cultural festival 'Utsavam 2021' is to get off to a colourful start here on February 20. Hundreds of artistes, representing a variety of folk, tribal and ethnic traditions that flourished in different parts of the state would perform during …
The country's first Labour Movement Museum, showcasing the history of world labour movement, would be launched in Kerala's houseboat tourism hub, Alappuzha. The museum will feature a huge repository of documents and exhibits that shaped the labour movements across the continents and impacted Alappuzha, the cradle of the labour movement in the country, in particular and Kerala in general, state …
The Ministry of Home Affairs on Friday announced the 113 names who have been awarded the prestigious Padma awards that are divided in three categories, Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri. Cutting across the fields of social work, public affairs, science and engineering, trade and industry, medicine, literature and education, sports, civil service, the awards will be handed out …