Actor Alia Bhatt couldn't join husband-actor Ranbir Kapoor, filmmakers SS Rajamouli and Ayan Mukerji for the promotion of their upcoming film Brahmastra in Visakhapatnam on Tuesday. Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor in their new song Kumkumala from Brahmastra. Helmed by Ayan, Brahmastra is a mythology-based fantasy trilogy with Ranbir and Alia playing central characters Shiva and Isha, Amitabh Bachchan as …
Mumbai: Bollywood film director Boney Kapoor has filed a complaint with the police about cyber fraud, alleging that someone got his bank details and stole around Rs 4 lakh from his account. Police officers believe that the fraudsters had got access to his credit card, and got details of the director’s bank account from that. Recently, Boney Kapoor talked about …
In an Instagram post featuring Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, the makers and cast of the film Brahmastra on Saturday released a new teaser song. The Telegu teaser offered new visuals of Ranbir and Alia together from the song shot in Varanasi. In some shots of the video teaser, Alia is dressed in a mustard top and a long skirt, …
New Delhi: Power Couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt's teaser song 'Kesariya' from Ayan Mukerji's magnum opus Brahmāstra Part One: Shiva went viral receiving love from all corners! A special Telugu version of 'Kesariya' song called Kumkumala was launched online by the legendary filmmaker S. S. Rajamouli. The Telugu version is sung by the renowned Sid Sriram while the lyrics …
A day before Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor's wedding, on April 13, Brahmstra Part One: Shiva makers shared the first teaser of the film and fans were bowled over. While the full version of Kesariya has not yet been released, Karan Johar and Alia Bhatt shared the Telugu version of the song, Kumkumala on social media. TELUGU VERSION OF KESARIYA …