The Academy announced the films shortlisted in the category on Tuesday and Laapataa Ladies didn’t make it to the cut Kiran Rao’s directorial and Aamir Khan’s production venture Laapataa Ladies, which was India’s official submission for the Best International Feature category, is out of the Oscars 2025 race. #LaapataaLadies is a very well made, entertaining movie, but was absolutely the …
Laapataa Ladies tickets will be available for ₹100 on the occasion of International Women's Day that is celebrated on March 8 every year. Film trade analyst Taran Adarsh in a social media post on X stated, ‘LAAPATAA LADIES’: TICKETS AT ₹ 100/- ON WOMEN’S DAY… Celebrate the spirit of #InternationalWomensDay with an exclusive offer from #JioStudios and Aamir Khan Productions. …