The Ludhiana rural police seized property of a drug peddler allegedly involved in smuggling of 900-kg poppy husk. His bank account containing ₹5.63 lakh has also been frozen. Further, the DSP added that the police seized a residential house worth ₹41.27 lakh and land worth ₹6.40 lakh. The bank account of the accused having ₹5.63 lakh was also frozen.
On the fourth anniversary of the farmers’ protest, the Central Trade Unions and the Samyukt Kisan Morcha staged a protest outside mini secretariat and handed over a memorandum to officers of the district administration here on Tuesday. The implementation of the four labour codes, passed by Parliament between 2019 and 2020 and which seek to bring sweeping changes to India’s …
Evading arrest for the last four months, the kingpin of a drug cartel, Baljit Singh, alias Meeta, of Malerkotla, has landed in the police net. Ludhiana deputy superintendent of police Varinder Singh Khosa said police had arrested one Avtar Singh alias Resham of Jand Road of Latala village on June 25 while Baljit Singh had managed to escape. Deputy superintendent …