CUTTACK: Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Sunday visited the ‘One Station One Product’ stall showcasing the famous Maniabandha handloom products at Cuttack railway station. The ‘One Station-One Product’ stalls at railway stations serve as platforms for artisans and craftspersons who are beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Viswakarma Yojana which is an initiative by the Centre to support and uplift artisans and …
When Assamese artisans, Jyotsna and Kavita, were chosen to co-design garments with a designer in New Delhi, they faced immediate protest from their husbands and family members based in Kamrup, Assam. Antaran supports handloom traders, weavers, artisans and to-be entrepreneurs, who will now display their traditional designs at the Artisan Exhibit of Handwoven Textiles that starts today. “At the centre, …