The Sports Ministry on Friday sanctioned Rs 5 lakh for the family of deceased India footballer Manitombi Singh with an aim to ease their financial crisis. Manitombi, a former Mohun Bagan player, played for India in the 2002 LG Cup in Vietnam and was also a part of the national team in the 2002 Busan Asian Games. Speaking about the …
The Sports Ministry, on Friday, sanctioned Rs 5 lakh for the family of deceased India footballer Manitombi Singh with an aim to ease their financial crisis. RELATED| Manitombi, a former Mohun Bagan player, played for India in the 2002 LG Cup in Vietnam and was also a part of the national team in the 2002 Busan Asian Games. Speaking about …
A majority of the I-League clubs have responded positively to the decision to host the upcoming season in a single city to minimise the risk of contracting the prevalent coronavirus. Hopefully, by November we should be in a position to start.” Need for planning Gokulam Kerala’s president, V. C. Praveen, whose club won the 2019 Durand Cup in Kolkata last …
A pall of gloom descended on the football fraternity in Manipur as news of Laishram Manitombi Singh’s untimely death spread. We played together both for India and Mohun Bagan and I have a lot of nice memories to cherish,” former India captain Renedy Singh said about his friend and colleague. Mohun Bagan family is deeply saddened by the untimely demise …