Congress on Friday mocked Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ‘Mai bhi manushya hoon, devta thoda hoon’ remark which he made in a podcast and called it ‘damage control’ to his not 'born biologically' remark. After a recent episode of Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath's podcast ‘People By WTF’ with PM Modi came to light, Congress leader Jairam Ramesh took a jibe at …
To cricket fans, November 15th, smack-dab in the middle of Karnataka’s birthday month, is the date on which Sachin Tendulkar debuted in international cricket in 1989. To Kannadigas, the day marks a bittersweet anniversary – it was the day on which, 23 years ago, their beloved Annavaru, ‘Natasarvabhouma’ Dr Rajkumar, who had been abducted and held hostage by the dreaded …
In January 2020, I shared the story of Abhinav Goswami, who decided to bring to America the gifts of ancient India — extraordinary health, ethical A2 dairy products, Vedic education and more. Photo: Darshan Dharmadhikari “If we went to one side of the field, they went to the other; we had not seen cows behaving like this in India,” said …