THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Four days after a CPM area committee member joined the saffron party in Alappuzha, yet another area committee member joined the BJP in Thiruvananthapuram on Wednesday. Madhu Mullassery, former area secretary of CPM Mangalapuram area committee and his son Mithun, a local DYFI leader, joined the BJP at Mararji Bhavan, party headquarters. Speaking on the occasion, Surendran alleged that …
The ripples created by the thumping victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party in Thrissur will have a cascading effect on the Assembly constituencies and more than nineteen thousand wards and councils across the State, said actor-turned politician Suresh Gopi, who won the Thrissur constituency through a stellar performance. Expressing happiness over the victory achieved by swimming against currents, he thanked …
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : A day after joining the BJP, Padmaja Venugopal – daughter of the late Congress leader K Karunakaran – said there is no ideological difference between the Congress and the BJP. Now, people from different castes and religions work together in the BJP,” Padmaja said at a press conference in Thiruvananthapuram on Friday after returning from New Delhi. When …
BJP President Amit Shah on Saturday unofficially became the ‘first passenger’ to have walked through the brand new Kannur international airport in Kerala, which will open shortly to the public. Regardless of Kerala Government trying to thwart Amit Shah’s arrival, which was, however, crushed after the intervention of the civil aviation authorities in Delhi, he arrived with hundreds of people …