In 2021, when J.D. “As someone who spent a lot of his life buying into the lie that you had to be stupid to be a Christian, Augustine really demonstrated in a moving way that that’s not true.” This approach generally made sense for Vance, a man who, despite his boasts of blue-collar roots, clearly considers himself a serious intellectual. …
NEW YORK — In the United States, admirers of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI remembered him warmly for his theological prowess and devotion to traditional doctrine. Professor Kathleen Sprows Cummings, director of the University of Notre Dame’s Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, depicted Benedict as “a man of unwavering faith, deep conviction and towering intellect,” yet added that …
CoronaCheck is RMIT ABC Fact Check's weekly email newsletter dedicated to fighting the misinformation infodemic surrounding the coronavirus outbreak. CoronaCheck #59 In today's special Easter edition we look at whether COVID-19 vaccines contain tissue from aborted foetuses and check in with the UK's "Yellow Card" scheme, which is used for reporting vaccine side effects. The original post contained a link …