Following the suspicious death of four dogs, one adult and three puppies, at Surveyor Colony in Madurai on Thursday, the Thiruppalai police have booked a case against perpetrators. Ms. Murugeswari said that as the female dog which gave birth to small ones recently was found to be a threat to the goats which were raised by one of the residents, …
“Arittapatti undu, azhagaana dharmam undu, Mangulam mandhai undu, madhipaana ennam undu,” says C. Murugeswari, one of the native environmentalists who hold dear the sanctity of Arittapatti, a quintessential village located 25 km away from Madurai, which was recently notified as Tamil Nadu’s first Biodiversity Heritage Site. “They indicate that two persons or donors – Sizhivan Adhinan Veliyan of Nelveli and …