A team of Srinagar Police arrested three terrorist associates linked with proscribed terror outfit, The Resistance Front, an offshoot of proscribed terror outfit Lashkar-E-Taiba in the Natipora area of Srinagar on Friday. Acting on specific intelligence, a small team of Srinagar police, at a checkpoint established at Harnabal Natipora, arrested three terrorist associates. It is pertinent to mention here that …
A shootout at a busy bar in St Paul, Minnesota, early Sunday left a woman dead and 14 other people wounded, authorities said. “My heart breaks for the woman who was killed, her loved ones and everyone else who was in that bar this morning,” St Paul Chief of Police Todd Axtell said in the statement. The Seventh Street Truck …
Panic gripped the densely populated Natipora area in Srinagar on Sunday after a leopard was sighted. Two weeks ago, a minor girl was mauled by a leopard in the Humhama area after which the animal was declared as a man-eater and professional hunters were employed to eliminate it. “The animal was spotted around 10 p.m. yesterday and we informed the …