New Delhi: The much-anticipated trailer of 'Devara Part 1' was released on Tuesday evening amid much fanfare. The Jr. NTR, Janhvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan-starrer's trailer seems to have kept the story under wraps. Jr. NTR plays double role Like a lot of Southern auctioner’s like 'Indian 2', 'GOAT', 'Devara' will Saif Ali Khan as always, plays the arch …
Heavy rains created havoc with inundation of low-lying areas, causing interruption to vehicular movement with floodwater from lakes and tanks overflowing onto roads along with cancellation of several trains from Kazipet to Vijayawada with damage to railway tracks here in erstwhile Warangal district.Of the six districts present in the erstwhile Warangal, Mahabubabad was worst affected followed by Warangal, Mulugu and …