A 65-year-old man was allegedly beaten to death by his two sons at a village in Odishas Ganjam district, police said on Saturday. The incident happened in Kalamba village in the Polasara police station area on Friday night, said inspector in-charge Jeetendra Kumar Mallick. The accused siblings, Sushant Pradhan and Mangulu Pradhan, were arrested earlier in the day, Mallick said. …
At least seven people were injured when a bus carrying West Bengal-bound migrants, who were stuck in Kerala due to the nationwide lockdown, overturned in Odishas Balasore district on Saturday, police said. The bus carrying 38 passengers was on its way to Kolkata when it skidded off the National Highway 16 and overturned near Balasore town, causing injuries to seven …
At least six people died and 30 others were injured after a bus overturned and rolled down a hilly road in Odishas Ganjam district early Wednesday. The private bus, which was on its way to Berhampur from Tikiri in Rayagada district, overturned and fell at least 30 feet below the road near Taptapani, Ganjam District Collector Vijay Amruta Kulange said. …
The engine of Ajmer-Puri Express on Thursday caught fire near Handapa railway station in Odishas Angul district, railway officials said. The station manager of Handapa Station in the Angul- Sambalpur section of the East Coast Railway, detected the smoke coming out of the engine of the 18422 Ajmer-Puri Express. The smoke was detected at about 1315 hours when train was …