“Saturday Night” is the story of a team anxious to meet a deadline. As film editors Nathan Orloff and Shane Reid recall, director Jason Reitman and his cast and crew began shooting “Saturday Night” in March and finished in May. “It needed that energy from us.” Heading into “Saturday Night,” Orloff and Reid weren’t strangers to each other, or to …
Newport Harbor’s Bridget Taketa is celebrated by her teammates after tipping in a goal during the semifinals of the Los Angeles Field Hockey Assn. Newport Harbor’s Lucy Toohey shoots a shot, that was tipped by Bridget Taketa, right, for a goal, during the semifinals of the Los Angeles Field Hockey Assn. “We’re good at working as a team now, so …
DENVER — Nearly 110,000 voters in a southern Colorado county will be receiving general election ballots that were mistakenly labeled as primary election ballots, a blunder that has led the state’s secretary of state to appoint a supervisor to oversee November’s vote in a county that also had issues with ballots in its primary election. Griswold, a Democrat running for …