Bhopal: Anju Thomas who returned to India on Wednesday after ‘marrying’ her Facebook friend in Pakistan has been declared ‘persona non grata’ in her native village of Bona under Gwalior district in Madhya Pradesh by the locals for her ‘disgraceful act’. Villagers have vowed to stop her from entering the village for ‘bringing disrepute’ not only to her family but …
A Dalit village council has ostracised a family and fined it ₹50,000 for organising wedding procession of two brides in Rajasthan’s Barmer, saying it was against their custom. Police said they were probing the matter Shankar Meghwal, the head of the family, said they have filed a police complaint against the village council. “We organised the wedding procession of my …
The barrage of racist social media comments directed at the three women at the centre of Queensland's coronavirus controversy has prompted a member of Brisbane's African Australian community to speak out. Key points: The release of the names and photos of the two women has led to racist commentary on social media African Australian Fortune Ruzvidzo says comments alienate and …