The Thrikkakara Vamanamoorthy Temple, believed to be about 2,000 years old, has been decked up for Onam even as the traditional Uthrada Pachil, a frenzy of shopping ahead of Thiruvonam day on September 15, reached a peak. Preparations have already begun for the traditional votive lunch at the temple hall, where around 20,000 people are expected turn up Thiruvonam day. …
Onam shoppers strived to run down the clock on Saturday, the eve of Kerala’s Thiru Onam festival. Uthrada Pachil Saturday, which marks the much-celebrated Uthrada Pachil”, a spurt of pre-Thiru Onam retail activity, is perhaps most evident in the iconic Chalai market in Thiruvananthapuram. Upscale malls, car and motorbike showrooms, and retail chains turned their expansive premises into Onam wonderlands, …